Friday, October 29, 2010

Healthy Halloween Treat

- From

If you don't want to give sugary 'treats' to the little angels and goblins knocking at your door - why not have some fun with your kids making these cute little guys.

Ingredients are per 'pumpkin'

1 clementine
12x12 square cling wrap
1" clear tape
scraps of felt, cut for eyes , nose, mouth, or googly eyes:)
twist tie
silk ivy leaf
green floral tape
glue, if not using self stick felt or googly eyes


1. Wrap clementine in cling film and twist tightly.
2. Secure at top with clear tape.
3. Cover clear tape with green floral tape, snip to desired length.
4. Attach ivy leaf to twist tie with floral tape, cover entire length of tie with tape.
5. Twist leaf/tie around stem as desired.
6. Apply face as desired.

Note: choose self-stick felt for really little children. This is a great one to have the kids make with you...they create the cutest faces!

(Thanks to for this great idea. Click here for some other fun Halloween treats).

Thursday, October 7, 2010

GM Foods Dangerous to Children

Excerpts from

“Swapping genes between organisms can produce unknown toxic effects and allergies that are most likely to affect children.”

--Vyvyan Howard, expert in infant toxico-pathology at Liverpool University Hospital, United Kingdom

An FAO/WHO task force on GM food said that “Attention should be paid to the particular physiological characteristics and metabolic requirements of specific population subgroups, such as infants [and] children.”

In practice, GM safety assessments ignore them.

In fact, industry-funded studies often use mature animals instead of the more sensitive young ones, in order to mask results. Biologist David Schubert warns:

“Since children are the most likely to be adversely effected by toxins and other dietary problems, if the GM food is given to them without proper testing, they will be the experimental animals. If there are problems, we will probably never know because the cause will not be traceable and many diseases take a very long time to develop.”

To learn more about the health dangers of GMOs, and what you can do to help end the genetic engineering of our food supply, visit

To learn how to choose healthier non-GMO brands, visit

{Read Full Article}