Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Great Spiritual Experiments for Kids (Part 2)

Here's Part 2 of Shannon's Spiritual Experiements with kids.
This one covers the
  1. Power of Habits
  2. Power of Intention and Focus
  3. Power of Perspective & Awareness

I would even recommend taking the Habit Experiment further.

Negative Habits: If you are dealing with breaking a negative habit (and don't have the power to break the think string (or rope as we sometimes have), demonstrate with the kids that they can unravel it bit by bit until there are only a bunch of small strings that can easily be broken). This demonstrates that we can break a large negative habits by taking consistent small small steps until the the habit is completely unraveled.

Postive Habits: Likewise, if we want to build positive and healthy habits, show kids how to make a rope by taking a bunch of thin strings (weak habits) and braiding them together (to make a strong rope/habit over time). Keep increasing it until it is so strong they it won't break. This demonstrates the power of a healthy habit that has had a lot of focus, attention, and time on to build.

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