Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Healthy Hiker & Teacher

Today my daughter and I went for a hike. We started at the parking lot (of course) and made our way toward the lake. It took us about an hour to go what should have been ten minutes. First I wanted to push ahead, as the lake was where I was focused on going. But seeing how much fun she was having along the stream on the way there, I couldn't help but melt into her magic of presence. We 'fished' with sticks and string, tossed pebbles into the water, sang, and just gazed at the little life on the ground. On the way to the lake, I opened a snack bag with carrot strings and spinach leaves. She rolled them up and said enthusiastically "a burrito!". What a great idea! So at the top of the hill overlooking the lake, I pulled out an avocado and finished the burrito. We both loved it.
It took us another 3 hours (4 total) to finish our hike around the lake (at normal adult pace it would take 30 minutes). Here is what my little teacher and hike taught me today:

1) We start and finish life in the same place (in this case, the parking lot). We signed up to go for a hike, not to hurry back to the parking lot. Enjoy this moment now, not the end or what exciting thing could be next - like the promise of a beautiful lake or slimy newt. I found myself many times wanting to move us forward in our hike (as any parent of a toddler knows), but each time I relaxed into her/our moment, I saw the beauty of it was more powerful than what I thought was next. Toddlers treat us to presence.

2) In the middle of the hustle and bustle world serenity resides (inside). The lake was that to us today. We all have this peaceful place inside of us if we let ourselves in.

3) When you are hungry, especially with true hunger from active bodies, nothing sounds better than fresh food. I always find it the easiest to encourage raw and healthy foods to my daughter when we are active and really hungry. It has been in these moments she found a love for raw kale, and now today a spinach wrapped burrito (with carrots and avocados inside). I had some other things in my bag, but that's what she wanted and created.

4) You can make "Snow Angels" in the dirt... Dirt Angels. ;)

5) Even if you are looking for a newt, a slug will do. And watching a slug for a half hour really brings the pace of your world to calm level!

6) There is nothing greater than loving the ones you love now.

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